《Quantum Chemistry》章末总结5


Chapter 5 The Harmonic Oscillator and Vibrational Spectroscopy

5.1 A Harmonic Oscillator Obeys Hooke’s Law

Consider a mass mm connected to a wall by a spring, as shown in Figure 5.1.


Suppose further that no gravitational force is acting on mm so that the only force is due to the spring.

If we let l0l_0 be the equilibrium, or undistorted, length of the spring, then the restoring force must be some function of the displacement of the spring from its equilibrium length. Let this displacement be denoted by x=ll0x=l-l_0, where ll is the length of the spring. The simplest assumption we can make about the force on m as a function of the displacement is that the force is directly proportional to the displacement and to write:


The negative sign indicates that the force points to the right in Figure 5.1 if the spring is compressed (l<l0l<l_0) and points to the left ifthe spring is stretched (l>l0l>l_0). The equation is called Hooke’s law and the (positive) proportionality constant kk is called the force constant of the spring.

Newton’s equation with a Hooke’s law force is:

md2ldt2=k(ll0)m\frac {d^2l}{dt^2}=-k(l-l_0)

If we let x=ll0x=l-l_0, then we have:

md2xdt2+kx=0m\frac {d^2x}{dt^2}+kx=0

The general solution to this equation is:

x(t)=c1sinωt+c2cosωtx(t)=c_1sin\omega t+c_2cos\omega t


ω=(km)1/2\omega = \left(\frac km \right)^{1/2}

Suppose we stretch the spring so that its displacement is A and then let go. The initial velocity is zero and we have:


(dxdt)t=0=0=c1ω\left(\frac {dx}{dt} \right)_{t=0}=0=c_1\omega

And so:

x(t)=Acosωtx(t)=Acos\omega t


The displacement versus time is plotted in Figure 5.2, which shows that the mass oscillates back and forth between AA and A-A with a frequency ω\omega radians per second, or ν=ω/2π\nu=\omega/2\pi cycles per second. The quantity AA is called the amplitude of the vibration.

5.2 The Energy of a Harmonic Oscillator Is Conserved

Let’s look at the total energy of a harmonic oscillator. The potential energy is:

V(x)=f(x)dx+constantV(x)=-\int f(x)dx+constant

We can see that:

V(x)=k2x2+constantV(x)=\frac {k}{2}x^2+constant

The constant term here is an arbitrary constant that can be used to fix the zero of energy. If we choose the potential energy of the system to be zero when the spring is undistorted (x=0)(x=0), then we have:

V(x)=k2x2=12kA2cos2ωt\begin{aligned} V(x) &=\frac k2x^2 \\[3mm] &=\frac 12kA^2cos^2\omega t \end{aligned}

for the potential energy associated with a simple harmonic oscillator.

The kinetic energy is:

T=12m(dldt)2=12m(dxdt)2=12mω2A2sin2ωt\begin{aligned} T &=\frac 12m \left(\frac {dl}{dt} \right)^2=\frac 12m \left(\frac {dx}{dt} \right)^2 \\[3mm] &=\frac 12m\omega^2A^2sin^2\omega t \end{aligned}

Both TT and VV are plotted in Figure 5.3. The total energy is:

E=T+V=12kA2cos2ωt+12mω2A2sin2ωt=12kA2\begin{aligned} E=T+V &=\frac 12kA^2cos^2\omega t+\frac 12m\omega^2A^2sin^2\omega t \\[3mm] &=\frac 12kA^2 \end{aligned}


Thus, we see that the total energy is a constant and, in particular, is equal to the potential energy at its largest displacement, where the kinetic energy is zero.

Each oscillates between +A+A and A-A but in such a way that their sum is always a constant. We say that the total energy is conserved and that the system is a conservative system.


5.3 The Equation for a Harmonic-Oscillator Model of a Diatomic Molecule Contains the Reduced Mass of the Molecule

The simple harmonic oscillator is a good model for a vibrating diatomic molecule. A diatomic molecule, however, does not look like the system pictured in Figure 5.1, but more like two masses connected by a spring, as in Figure 5.4.


In this case we have two equations of motion, one for each mass:

m1d2x1dt2=k(x2x1l0)m_1\frac {d^2x_1}{dt^2}=k(x_2-x_1-l_0)

m2d2x2dt2=k(x2x1l0)m_2\frac {d^2x_2}{dt^2}=-k(x_2-x_1-l_0)

If we add the two equations, we find that:

d2dt2(m1x1+m2x2)=0\frac {d^2}{dt^2}(m_1x_1+m_2x_2)=0

This form suggests that we introduce a center-of-mass coordinate:

X=m1x1+m2x2M(M=m1+m2)X=\frac {m_1x_1+m_2x_2}{M} \quad (M=m_1+m_2)


Md2Xdt2=0M\frac {d^2X}{dt^2}=0

There is no force term here, so the equation shows that the center of mass moves uniformly in time with a constant momentum.


The vibrational motion of the two-mass or two-body system in Figure 5.4 must depend upon only the relative separation of the two masses, or upon the relative coordinate.


If we rewrite the two equations of motion and use one subtract another:

d2x2dt2d2x1dt2=km2(x2x1l0)km1(x2x1l0)d2dt2(x2x1)=k(1m1+1m2)(x2x1l0)\begin{aligned} \frac {d^2x_2}{dt^2}-\frac {d^2x_1}{dt^2} &= -\frac {k}{m_2}(x_2-x_1-l_0)-\frac {k}{m_1}(x_2-x_1-l_0) \\[3mm] \frac {d^2}{dt^2}(x_2-x_1) &= -k \left(\frac 1{m_1}+\frac 1{m_2} \right)(x_2-x_1-l_0) \end{aligned}

If we let:

1m1+1m2=m1+m2m1m2=1μ\frac 1{m_1}+\frac 1{m_2}=\frac {m_1+m_2}{m_1m_2}= \frac 1{\mu}

and introduce x=x2x1l0x=x_2-x_1-l_0, then we have:

μd2xdt2+kx=0\mu \frac {d^2x}{dt^2}+kx=0

The quantity μ\mu, that we have defined is called the reduced mass.

Thus, the two-body system in Figure 5.4 can be treated as easily as the one-body problem in Figure 5. I by using the reduced mass of the two-body system.


5.4 The Harmonic-Oscillator Approximation Results from the Expansion of an Internuclear Potential Around lts Minimum

The internuclear potential for a diatomic molecule is illustrated by the solid line in Figure 5.5. The dashed line shows the potential associated with Hooke’s law.


Although the harmonic-oscillator potential may appear to be a terrible approximation to the experimental curve, note that it is, indeed, a good approximation in the region of the minimum.

Although the harmonic oscillator unrealistically allows the displacement to vary from -\infin to ++\infin, these large displacements produce potential energies that are so large that they do not often occur in practice. The harmonic oscillator is a good approximation for vibrations with small amplitudes.

We consider the Taylor expansion of the potential energy V(l)V(l) about the equilibrium bond length l=l0l=l_0. The first few terms in this expansion are:

V(l)=V(l0)+(dVdl)l=l0(ll0)+12!(d2Vdl2)l=l0(ll0)2+13!(d3Vdl3)l=l0(ll0)3+V(l)=V(l_0)+ \left(\frac {dV}{dl} \right)_{l=l_0}(l-l_0)+\frac {1}{2!} \left(\frac {d^2V}{dl^2} \right)_{l=l_0}(l-l_0)^2+\frac 1{3!} \left(\frac {d^3V}{dl^3} \right)_{l=l_0}(l-l_0)^3+\cdots

Note that dV/dldV/dl is the force acting between the two nuclei, and the fact that dV/dldV/dl vanishes at l=l0l=l_0 means that the force acting between the nuclei is zero at this point. This is why l=l0l=l_0 is called the equilibrium bond length.

If we restrict ourselves to small displacements, then ll0l-l_0 will be smal I and we can neglect the terms beyond the quadratic term in equation, showing that the general potential energy function V(l)V(l) can be approximated by a harmonic-oscillator potential.


We can consider corrections or extensions of the harmonic-oscillator model by the higher-order terms. These are called anharmonic terms and will be considered in Section 5.7.

5.5 The Energy Levels of a Quantum-Mechanical Harmonic Oscillator Are Eν=hν(ν+12)E_{\nu}=h\nu(\nu+\frac 12) with ν=0,1,2,\nu=0,1,2,\cdots

The Schrödinger equation for a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator is:

22μd2ψdx2+V(x)ψ(x)=Eψ(x)-\frac {\hbar^2}{2\mu}\frac {d^2\psi}{dx^2} + V(x)\psi(x)=E\psi(x)

with V(x)=12kx2V(x)=\frac 12kx^2. Thus, we must solve the second-order differential equation:

d2ψdx2+2μ2(E12kx2)ψ(x)=0<x<\frac {d^2\psi}{dx^2}+\frac {2\mu}{\hbar^2} \left(E-\frac 12kx^2 \right)\psi(x)=0 \quad -\infin < x <\infin

When a differential equation does not have constant coefficients, there is no simple, general technique for solving it. One method that often works, however laborious it is, is to substitute a power series into the differential equation and then determine each coefficient in the series sequentially.


When the equation is solved, well-behaved, finite solutions can be obtained only if the energy is restricted to the quantized values:

Ev=hν(v+12)v=0,1,2,E_{v}=h\nu(v+\frac 12) \quad v=0,1,2,\cdots


ν=12π(kμ)1/2\nu=\frac 1{2\pi} \left(\frac {k}{\mu} \right)^{1/2}


The energies are plotted in Figure 5.6. Note that the energy levels are equally spaced, with a separation hνh\nu.

Note also that the energy of the ground state, the state with ν=0\nu=0, is 12hν\frac 12h\nu and is not zero as the lowest classical energy is. This energy is called the zero-point energy of the harmonic oscillator and is a direct result of the uncertainty principle.

The energy of a harmonic oscillator can be written in the form (p2/2μ)+(kx2/2)(p^2/2\mu)+(kx^2/2), and so we see that a zero value for the energy would require that both pp and xx or, more precisely, the expectation values of P^2\hat P^2 and X^2\hat X^2 be simultaneously zero, in violation of the uncertainty principle.


5.6 The Harmonic Oscillator Accounts for the Infrared Spectrum of a Diatomic Molecule

The vibrational energy levels of the diatomic molecule are given by:

Ev=hν(v+12)v=0,1,2,E_v=h\nu \left(v+\frac 12 \right)\quad v=0,1,2,\cdots

A diatomic molecule can make a transition from one vibrational energy state to another by absorbing or emitting electromagnetic radiation whose observed frequency satisfies the Bohr frequency condition:

ΔE=hνobs\Delta E=h\nu_{obs}

We will prove in Chapter 8 that the harmonic-oscillator model allows transitions only between adjacent energy states, so that we have the condition that Δv=±1\Delta v=\pm1. Such a condition is called a selection rule.

Thus, the observed frequency of the radiation absorbed is:

νobs=12π(kμ)1/2  (Hz)\nu_{obs}=\frac 1{2\pi} \left(\frac {k}{\mu} \right)^{1/2}\ \ (Hz)

So this model predicts that the spectrum consists of just one line. This
prediction is in good accord with experiment, and this line is called the fundamental vibrational frequency. For diatomic molecules, these lines occur at around 101410^{14} Hz, which is in the infrared region.

It is customary in discussions of vibrational spectroscopy to write the vibrational energy level in the form:

G(v)=Evhc=ω~(v+12)G(v)=\frac {E_v}{hc}=\tilde \omega \left(v+\frac 12 \right)

ω~=12πc(kμ)1/2  (cm1)\tilde \omega=\frac 1{2\pi c} \left(\frac k{\mu} \right)^{1/2}\ \ (cm^{-1})

G(v)G(v) is called the vibrational term, and ω~\tilde \omega have units of cm1cm^{-1}, called wave number.

5.7 Overtones Are Observed in Vibrational Spectra

The harmonic-oscillator approximation predicts that there will be only one line in the vibrational spectrum of a diatomic molecule. Expermental data show there is, indeed, one dominant line (the fundamental), but there are also lines of weaker intensity at almost integral multiples of the fundamental. These lines are called overtones.

Recall that the potential energy V(l)V(l) may be expanded in a Taylor series about l0l_0, the value of ll at the minimum of V(l)V(l), to give:

V(l)V(l0)=12!(d2Vdl2)l=l0(ll0)2+13!(d3Vdl3)l=l0(ll0)3+=k2x2+γ36x3+γ424x4+\begin{aligned} V(l)-V(l_0) &=\frac 1{2!} \left(\frac {d^2V}{dl^2} \right)_{l=l_0}(l-l_0)^2 +\frac 1{3!} \left(\frac {d^3V}{dl^3} \right)_{l=l_0}(l-l_0)^3 + \cdots \\[3mm] &= \frac k2x^2+\frac {\gamma_3}6x^3 + \frac {\gamma_4}{24}x^4+\cdots \end{aligned}

lf the anharmonic terms in equation are included in the Hamiltonian operator for the vibrational motion of a diatomic molecule, the Schrödinger equation can be solved by a technique called perturbation theory to give:

G(v)=ω~e(v+12)x~eω~e(v+12)2+v=0,1,2,G(v)=\tilde \omega_e \left(v+\frac 12 \right)-\tilde x_e\tilde \omega_e \left(v+\frac 12 \right)^2+\cdots \quad v=0,1,2,\cdots

where x~e\tilde x_e is called the anhannonicity constant. The anharmonic correction is much smaller than the harmonic term because x~e1\tilde x_e \ll1.

Figures 5.7 and 5.8 show the levels given by the equation. Notice that the levels are not equally spaced as they are for a harmonic oscillator and, in fact, that their separation decreases with increasing ν\nu.



Figure 5.7 also shows two quantities DeD_e and D0D_0. The energy difference between the minimum of the potential well at the dissociation limit is DeD_e; the energy difference between the zero-point vibrational energy and the dissociation limit is D0D_0. They are related by:

D0=De12hνD_0=D_e-\frac 12h\nu

It’s D0D_0 that is measured experimentally.

The selection rule for an anharmonic oscillator is that Δν\Delta \nu can have any integral value, although the intensities of the Δν=±2,±3,\Delta\nu=\pm2,\pm3,\cdots transitions are much less than for the Δν=±1\Delta\nu=\pm1 transitions.

5.8 The Harmonic-Oscillator Wave Functions Involve Hermile Polynomials

The wave functions corresponding to the EvE_v for a harmonic oscillator are nondegenerate and are given by:

v=NvHv(α1/2x)eαx2/2|v\rangle=N_vH_v(\alpha^{1/2}x)e^{-\alpha x^2/2}


α=(kμ2)1/2\alpha= \left(\frac {k\mu}{\hbar^2} \right)^{1/2}

Nv=1(2v)v!(απ)1/4N_v=\frac 1{(2^v)v!} \left(\frac {\alpha}{\pi} \right)^{1/4}

and the Hv(α1/2x)H_v(\alpha^{1/2}x) are polynomials called Hermite polynomials. Note that Hv(ξ)H_v(\xi) is a vvth-degree polynomial in ξ\xi.


We can show explicitly that the ψv(x)\psi_v(x) are normalized, or that NvN_v is the normalization constant. And we say that the Hermite polynomials are orthogonal with respect to the weighting function eξ2e^{-\xi^2}.

5.9 Hermite Polynomials Are Either Even or Odd Functions

The harmonic-oscillator wave functions are:

v=Nvhv(α1/2x)eαx2/2|v\rangle=N_vh_v(\alpha^{1/2}x)e^{-\alpha x^2/2}

The ψv(x)\psi_v(x) are even when vv is an even integer and odd when vv is an odd integer. So ψv2(x)\psi_v^2(x) is an even function for any value of vv. Then:

x=vxv=0\langle x \rangle = \langle v|x|v \rangle =0

Beceuse the integrand is an odd function for any value of vv. Thus, the average displacement of a harmonic oscillator is zero for all the quantum states of a harmonic oscillator, or the average internuclear separation is the equilibrium bond length l0l_0.

The average momentum is given by:

p=vP^xv=ψv(x)(iddx)ψv(x)dx=0\langle p \rangle=\langle v|\hat P_x|v \rangle = \int_{-\infin}^{\infin}\psi_v(x) \left(-i\hbar\frac {d}{dx} \right)\psi_v(x)dx=0

The derivative of an odd (even) function is even (odd), so this integral vanishes because the integrand is the product of an odd and even function and hence is overall odd. Thus, p=0\langle p \rangle =0 for a harmonic operator.


5.10 There Are Many Useful Relations Among Hermite Polynomials

There are a number of relations involving the Hermite polynomials that can be used to evaluate integrals. A particularly useful one is:

Hv+1(ξ)2ξHv(ξ)+2vHv1(ξ)=0H_{v+1}(\xi) - 2\xi H_v(\xi) + 2vH_{v-1}(\xi)=0

This is a recursion formula for the Hv(ξ)H_v(\xi).

Recursion formulas can be used to evaluate integrals involving Hermite polynomials. For example:

ξ2=Nv2dξHv(ξ)ξ2Hv(ξ)eξ2\langle \xi^2 \rangle =N_v^2\int_{-\infin}^{\infin}d\xi H_v(\xi)\xi^2H_v(\xi)e^{-\xi^2}

Apply the recursion formula and rewrite the expression:

ξ2Hv(ξ)=v[(v1)Hv2(ξ)+12Hv(ξ)]+12[(v+1)Hv(ξ)+12Hv+2(ξ)]=v(v1)Hv2(ξ)+(v+12)Hv(ξ)+14Hv+2(ξ)\begin{aligned} \xi^2H_v(\xi) &=v \left[(v-1)H_{v-2}(\xi)+\frac 12H_v(\xi)\right]+\frac 12 \left[(v+1)H_v(\xi)+\frac 12H_{v+2}(\xi)\right] \\[3mm] &=v(v-1)H_{v-2}(\xi)+(v+\frac 12)H_v(\xi)+\frac 14H_{v+2}(\xi) \end{aligned}

When we substitute this into the equation, we obtain:

ξ2=vξ2v=Nv2dξHv(ξ)[v(v1)Hv2(ξ)+(v+12)Hv(ξ)+14Hv+2(ξ)]=(v+12)Nv2dξHv(ξ)Hv(ξ)eξ2=v+12\begin{aligned} \langle \xi^2 \rangle &=\langle v|\xi^2|v \rangle \\[3mm] &= N_v^2\int_{-\infin}^{\infin}d\xi H_v(\xi) \left[v(v-1)H_{v-2}(\xi)+(v+\frac 12)H_v(\xi)+\frac 14H_{v+2}(\xi)\right] \\[3mm] &= \left(v+\frac 12 \right)N_v^2\int_{-\infin}^{\infin}d\xi H_v(\xi)H_v(\xi)e^{-\xi^2} \\[3mm] &=v + \frac 12 \end{aligned}

Because ξ=α1/2x\xi=\alpha^{1/2}x, we have:

x2=1αξ2=1α(v+12)=(μk)1/2(v+12)\langle x^2 \rangle = \frac 1{\alpha}\langle \xi^2 \rangle=\frac 1{\alpha} \left(v+\frac 12 \right)=\frac {\hbar}{(\mu k)^{1/2}} \left(v+\frac 12 \right)

5.11 The Vibrations of Polyatomic Molecules Are Represented by Normal Coordinates

The vibrational spectra of polyatomic molecules turn out to be easily understood in the harmonic-oscillator approximation. The key point is the introduction of normal coordinates, which we discuss in this section.

Consider a molecule containing N nuclei. A complete specification of this molecule in space requires 3N coordinates, three cartesian coordinates for each nucleus. We say that the N-atomic molecule has a total of 3N degrees of freedom.

Of these 3N coordinates, three can be used to specify the center of mass of the molecule. Motion along these three coordinates corresponds to translational motion of the center of mass of the molecule, and so we call these three coordinates translational degrees of freedom.


It requires two coordinates to specify the orientation of a linear molecule about its center of mass and three coordinates to specify the orientation of a nonlinear molecule about its center of mass. Because motion along these coordinates corresponds to rotational motion, we say that a linear molecule has two degrees of rotational freedom and that a nonlinear molecule has three degrees of rotational freedom.


The remaining coordinates (3N-5 for a linear molecule and 3N-6 for a nonlinear molecule) specify the relative positions of the N nuclei. Because motion along these coordinates corresponds to vibrational motion, we say that a linear molecule has 3N-5 vibrational degrees of freedom and that a nonlinear molecule has 3N-6 vibrational degrees of freedom.



In the absence of external fields, the energy of a molecule does not depend upon the position of its center of mass or its orientation. The potential energy of a polyatomic molecule is therefore a function of only the 3N-5 or 3N-6 vibrational coordinates.

If we let the displacements about the equilibrium values of these coordinates be denoted by x1,x2,,xNvibx_1,x_2,\cdots,x_{N_{vib}} where NvibN_{vib} is the number of vibrational degrees of freedom, then the potential energy is given by:

ΔV=V(x1,x2,,xNvib)V(0,0,,0)=12i=1Nvibj=1Nvib(2Vxixj)xixj+=12i=1Nvibj=1Nvibfijxixj+\begin{aligned} \Delta V &=V(x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_{N_{vib}})-V(0,0,\cdots,0) \\[3mm] &=\frac 12\sum_{i=1}^{N_{vib}}\sum_{j=1}^{N_{vib}} \left(\frac {\partial^2V}{\partial x_i\partial x_j} \right)x_ix_j+\cdots \\[3mm] &=\frac 12\sum_{i=1}^{N_{vib}}\sum_{j=1}^{N_{vib}}f_{ij}x_ix_j+\cdots \end{aligned}

In general, there are other terms that contain higher powers of xix_i, but these anharmonic terms are neglected here.

The presence of the cross terms in the equation makes the solution of the corresponding Schrödinger equation very difficult to obtain. A theorem of classical mechanics, however, allows us to eliminate all the cross terms. A straightforward procedure using matrix algebra can be used to find a new set of coordinates {QjQ_j}, such that:

ΔV=12j=1NvibFjQj2\Delta V=\frac 12\sum_{j=1}^{N_{vib}}F_jQ_j^2

These new coordinates are called normal coordinates or normal modes. In terms of normal coordinates, the vibrational Hamiltonian operator is:

H^vib=j=1Nvib22μjd2dQj2+12j=1NvibFjQj2\hat H_{vib}=-\sum_{j=1}^{N_{vib}}\frac {\hbar^2}{2\mu_j}\frac {d^2}{dQ_j^2}+\frac 12\sum_{j=1}^{N_{vib}}F_jQ_j^2

Recall from Section 3.9 that if a Hamiltonian operator can be written as a sum of independent terms, the total wave function is a product of individual wave functions and the energy is a sum of independent energies:

H^vib=j=1NvibH^vib,j=j=1Nvib(22μjd2dQj2+12FjQj2)ψvib(Q1,Q2,,Qvib)=ψvib,1(Q1)ψvib,2(Q2)ψvib,Nvib(QNvib)\hat H_{vib}=\sum_{j=1}^{N_{vib}}\hat H_{vib,j}=\sum_{j=1}^{N_{vib}} \left(-\frac {\hbar^2}{2\mu_j}\frac {d^2}{dQ_j^2}+\frac 12F_jQ_j^2 \right) \\[3mm] \psi_{vib}(Q_1,Q_2,\cdots,Q_{vib})=\psi_{vib,1}(Q_1)\psi_{vib,2}(Q_2)\cdots\psi_{vib,N_{vib}}(Q_{N_{vib}})


Evib=j=1Nvibhνj(νj+12)each νj=0,1,2,E_{vib}=\sum_{j=1}^{N_{vib}}h\nu_j \left(\nu_j+\frac 12 \right) \quad each\ \nu_j=0,1,2,\cdots



5.12 The Harmonic-Oscillator Selection Rule Is Δv=±1\Delta v=\pm1

In this section, we shall discuss a selection rule. We shall show in Section 8.6 that if a harmonic oscillator is irradiated with electromagnetic radiation propagating in the z direction, then the probability that the oscillator makes a transition from state vv to state vv' is proportional to the square of the integral:

vμzv=dxψv(x)μz(x)ψv(x)\langle v|\mu_z|v' \rangle =\int_{-\infin}^{\infin}dx \psi_v(x)\mu_z(x)\psi_{v'}(x)

where μz\mu_z is the z component of the dipole moment. This type of integral, which occurs frequently in spectroscopy, is called a dipole transition moment.

We now expand μz(x)\mu_z(x) about the equilibrium nuclear separation:

μz(x)=μ0+(dμdx)0x+\mu_z(x)=\mu_0+ \left(\frac {d\mu}{dx}\right)_0x+\cdots

where μ0\mu_0 is the dipole moment at the equilibrium bond length and xx is the displacement from that equilibrium value. Thus, when x=0,μz=μ0x=0,\mu_z=\mu_0. We substitute the equation into the expression of dipole transition moment:

vμzv=μ0vv+(dμdx)0vxv\langle v|\mu_z|v' \rangle = \mu_0\langle v|v' \rangle + \left(\frac {d\mu}{dx}\right)_0 \langle v|x|v' \rangle

The first integral here vanishes if vvv\ne v' due to the orthogonality of the harmonic-oscillator wave functions. The second integral can be evaluated in general by using:

ξHv(ξ)=vHv1(ξ)+12Hv+1(ξ)(ξ=α1/2x)\xi H_v(\xi)=vH_{v-1}(\xi)+\frac 12H_{v+1}(\xi) \quad (\xi=\alpha^{1/2}x)

so we obtain:

vμzv=NvNvα(dμdξ)0Hv(ξ)[vHv1(ξ)+12Hv+1(ξ)]eξ2dξ\langle v|\mu_z|v' \rangle = \frac {N_vN_{v'}}{\alpha} \left(\frac {d\mu}{d\xi}\right)_0 \int_{-\infin}^{\infin}H_{v'}(\xi) \left[vH_{v-1}(\xi)+\frac 12H_{v+1}(\xi) \right]e^{-\xi^2}d\xi

Using now the orthogonality property of the Hermite polynomials, we see that vμzv\langle v|\mu_z|v' \rangle vanishes unless v=v±1v'=v\pm1. Thus, the selection rule for vibrational transitions under the harmonic-oscillator approximation is that Δv=±1\Delta v=\pm1.


In addition, the factor (dμ/dξ)0(d\mu/d\xi)_0 in front of the transition moment integral reminds us that the dipole moment of the molecule must vary during a vibration, or the transition will not take place.

A selection rule for vibrational absorption spectroscopy is that the dipole moment of the molecule must vary during the normal mode motion. When this is so, the normal mode is said to be infrared active. Otherwise, it is infrared inactive.

The normal modes of H2OH_2O are as follows:


Note that the dipole moment changes during the motion of all three normal modes, so all three normal modes of H2OH_2O are infrared active. Therefore, H2OH_2O has three bands in its infrared spectrum.





《Quantum Chemistry》章末总结5